• A little About Peter Dover
    Mr Peter Dover is a specialist General and Laparoscopic Surgeon operating in private and public practice in Wellington . He has a strong interest in laparoscopic (keyhole) gallbladder and hernia surgery, melanoma and varicose vein surgery. He is committed to providing the highest standard of care for all his patients.

Our Services

Mr Peter Dover

Mr Peter Dover is a specialist General and Laparoscopic Surgeon operating
in private and public practice in Wellington. He has a strong interest in laparo-
scopic (keyhole) gallbladder and hernia surgery, melanoma and varicose vein
surgery. He is committed to providing the highest standard of care for all his

Mr Dover attended Auckland Medical School and become a Fellow of the
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in 2009. Subsequently he
gained further specialty training and experience by working in Australia (Prin-
cess Alexandra Hospital) and the United Kingdom (Royal United Hospital Bath) under the guidance of surgeons prominent internationally in their fields.

Mature business man with team members in an office

Our Schedule


  • Wakefield Specialist Centre
    99 Rintoul St
    Newton 6021


  • Wakefield Hospital
    Southern Cross Wellington
    Boulcott Hospital

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider

For Hernia Surgery, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Gallbladder Surgery), Laparoscopic antireflux

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